
Sponsorship FAQ

How much does it cost to sponsor a child?

Sponsorship is $34 per month. 100 Percent goes towards the care of the children living at Village of Hope Guatemala.

How much of the sponsorship is used for the child’s care versus overhead costs?

At Village of Hope all of the sponsorship donations go directly to the care of the children within the family unit of the sponsored child. Your sponsorship donation is not used for any overhead cost of the Village of Hope or Lifesong for Orphans.

How often will I get updates on the children living at Village of Hope?

Due to privacy regulations in Guatemala, we cannot share any identifying information about the children online. Once your sponsorship has been submitted, however, you will receive a monthly email with information, prayer requests, updates and stories on one of the children living at Village of Hope. This monthly information may be a different child each month for you to be able to pray for multiple children throughout the year. This is a private email that only sponsors receive to update you on the lives of the children at Village of Hope.

Can I write letters to the child I sponsor?

You will not be given one specific child to sponsor, instead your monthly donation will go towards helping an entire family unit. Yes, you may write letters to the family units, however, you will not be getting a return letter except the monthly email of a child at Village of Hope.

Can I send gifts to the family unit I sponsor?

We ask for our sponsors not to send gifts/packages other than letters as it is really important for the protection of the relationships within our house families that we don’t have some children in one house who are getting lots of gifts and some children who are never receiving any (unless you wish to send a care package that includes the same gift for ALL the children at Village of Hope). We encourage sponsors who are interested in contributing to gifts to give a once yearly $50 donation which will be used for the purchase of Christmas gifts and Birthday celebrations for all of the children.

Can I visit the families I sponsor?

Sponsors who come to Village of Hope with a missions team will have the opportunity to meet all of the children at Village of Hope.

How long do children stay at Village of Hope?

Our children at Village of Hope come from all different backgrounds and situations, some are without any family, some have family that are not safe for them to live with, some are becoming part of a bigger family when their parents become house parents. Therefore, the length of their stay can vary depending on their situation. Because we are striving to build family bonds and healthy relationships, we do not differentiate how the children are treated or sponsored regardless of why they are coming to Village of Hope or how long they will be staying with us. When they turn 18, children under our care are typically permitted by the courts to leave. However, as our ministry strongly believes in family, just as children in traditional families often live with their parents beyond 18 years of age, the children in our homes are always welcome to stay. Those who choose to stay beyond 18 years old will continue to be part of our program to help them continue to develop the skills they need to transition to living on their own.

What happens if the child I am sponsoring leaves Village of Hope?

Since sponsors are donating to a family unit, the funds given will continue to be used for a family unit even when children leave Village of Hope.

If you have additional questions regarding sponsorship, please don’t hesitate to contact us at: families@villageofhopeguatemala.com

Prayer for our families

There are many needs that we have. Not just for the ministry but for the country of Guatemala. Every month there are several requests we share that gives you an opportunity to support us by diligently praying for our staff, the children, our leadership and our community.